- ►Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- FTIR Spectroscopy
The RMN allows to observe any nucleus with magnetic properties. The fact that the hydrogen nucleus (which is present in most organic compounds) is relatively sensitive to the technique, makes this technique principal for structural determination of organic molecules.
The nuclei are oriented subject to an intense magnetic field generated by a superconductor, selecting the specific pulse frequency for the nuclei we want to examine, these are observed selectively.
Once the frequency is selected, the nuclei can be distinguished from each other by the differences in their magnetic environment within the molecule; that is, its position and its chemical environment.
- Bruker Avance Neo 400 Mhz
- Agilent NMR System 400 Mhz
One and two dimensional experiments (1H, 13C, 31P, 19F ..., COZY, TOCSY, HSQC, HMBC, NOESY, ROESY ...) for:
- Structural identification.
- Confirmation of structures.
- Identification of compounds.
- Sample composition.
- Molecular mobility.
- Process monitoring, kinetics.
- Determination of association processes.
- High and low temperature studies (-80ºC to 120ºC)
- Determination of excess enantiomers.
- Monitoring of quality control processes.
- Catalysis study.
- Studies in pressure tubes.
Please consider:
- Exposure to high static magnetic fields near the magnet.
- In the case of Quench , low oxygen and low temperature in the magnet room.
Contact the person
in charge - Ramon Guerrero Grueso
- 977558149
- rmn.srcit(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat
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