Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Price list

Applicability of the URV price list

This price list is applied when the offered services are derived from:

In the case of systems acquired before 1st January 2018, in the URV price list it is differentiated: URV researchers that took part in SRCiT (URVc) system co-financiality and the rest of the URV members. In the price list URVc the repercussion of one hour of instrument usage is rested from the co-financed from the research groups quantity.In the case of systems acquired after 1st January of 2018, there is only one URV rice list.

This price list is applied to all URV REP personnel independently from the CEICS institution where they have the projects, since it is done through an external invoice, indirect costs will be applied by virtue of the URV Fees Regulations.

Applicability of the price list for R+D+I Activities

This price list is applied when the offered services are derived from R+D+I activities, in particular of:

This rate applies to research staff from CEICS institutions that are not REP of the URV.

Applicability of the price list EXTERN

This price list is applied when the offered services are derived of the employment coming from institutions or companies external to the URV not covered in the previous paragraph.


The users of the SRCiT will state in their publications both the use of the facilities and the advice of the technicians of the SRCiT.

If, in the performance of these services, any of the costs were contributed by the internal user (the staff, for example), it would be deducted from the price.

The current tax rate of the VAT law is applied to the prices derived from external services on the final price.

Expenses caused by the negligence of internal users in the use of SRCiT equipment and facilities must be paid by the user.




Code Benefit Unit price (€)
QUIM-TEC Personnel Area of Sustainable Chemistry and Renewable Energies EXT R+D+I URVC URV
QUIM-TEC01 Higher grade technical hour 84,23 70,19 N/A 29,25
QUIM-TEC02 Intermediate technical hour 60,64 50,53 N/A 21,05
QUIM-CRI01 Liquid nitrogen or gas (per kg removed from the tank) 1,90 1,57 N/A 1,31
QUIM-DRX X-ray diffraction EXT R+D+I URVC URV
QUIM-DRX02 Use of diffractometer D8-Advance (hourly price) 84,00 70,00 N/A 25,00
QUIM-DRX08 Use of diffractometer D8-Discover (hourly price) 84,00 70,00 N/A 40,00
QUIM-EIR IR spectrophotometry EXT R+D+I URVC URV
QUIM-EIR01 IR instrumental analysis (by spectrum) 60,00 50,00 8,00 15,00
QUIM-EIR03 IR instrumental analysis (per hour of kinetics in sessions of up to 8 hours) N/A N/A 4,00 10,00
QUIM-EIR04 Sample preparation 36,00 30,00 N/A 12,00
QUIM-EMA Mass spectrometry EXT R+D+I URVC URV
QUIM-EMA01 GC-MS instrumental analysis (hourly price, sample processing costs not included) 72,00 60,00 16,80 18,00
QUIM-EMA11 HPLC-UV instrumental analysis (self-service, sample processing costs not included) 31,20 26,00 13,60 15,00
QUIM-EMA16 Refractive index detector (per hour, additional to use HPLC-UV) 4,11 3,43 1,48 2,94
QUIM-EMA23 GC-Exactive-Triplus instrumental analysis (hourly price, sample processing costs not included) 126,00 105,00 50,00 50,00
QUIM-EMA26 LC-Orbitrap-IDX instrumental analysis (hourly price, sample processing costs not included) 103,20 86,00 36,00 36,00
QUIM-EMA27 Maldi-Exploris instrumental analysis (hourly price, sample processing costs not included) 138,00 115,00 46,00 46,00
QUIM-LAB Preparatory laboratory EXT R+D+I URVC URV
QUIM-LAB01 Manual grinding (per sample, self-service for internal users) 39,44 32,87 N/A 10,61
QUIM-LAB02 Mechanical grinding, ball mill (per sample, self-service for internal users) 49,31 41,09 N/A 10,61
QUIM-LAB03 Disaggregation of samples with acid attack by microwave (per sample, self-service for internal users) 49,31 41,09 N/A 10,61
QUIM-LAB04 Muffle (per sample, self-service for internal users) 49,31 41,09 N/A 10,61
QUIM-LAB05 Dissolution with organic solvents (per sample, self-service for internal users) 49,31 41,09 N/A 10,61
QUIM-LAB06 Impact of other consumables, unit price 1,44 1,20 1,00 1,00
QUIM-LAB07 Use freeze dryer (hour, self-service) 0,98 0,83 N/A 0,20
QUIM-LAB09 Use of preparatory laboratory (hour, self-service) 36,00 30,00 N/A 5,00
QUIM-POL01 Polarimeter instrumental analysis (hourly price, self-service) 24,00 20,00 N/A 6,11
QUIM-RMN01 Sample preparation with deuterated chloroform 4,96 4,14 N/A 3,35
QUIM-RMN02 Sample preparation with deuterated water 11,60 9,65 N/A 7,71
QUIM-RMN03 Sample preparation with deuterated DMSO 37,00 26,50 N/A 21,20
QUIM-RMN04 Sample preparation with deuterated methanol 74,51 62,00 N/A 50,00
QUIM-RMN05 Sample preparation with deuterated acetonitrile 64,57 53,81 N/A 43,05
QUIM-RMN06 Sample preparation with deuterated acetone 47,18 39,31 N/A 31,46
QUIM-RMN07 NMR instrumental analysis (per hour) 95,00 79,00 9,30 21,00
QUIM-MEC Mechanical Workshop EXT R+D+I URVC URV
QUIM-MEC01 Use of milling machine for machining stainless steel (additional price to the machining of soft materials)(hourly price) 4,20 3,60 3,00 3,00
QUIM-MEC02 Use of milling machine for machining soft materials (hourly price) 69,27 59,45 27,44 27,44
QUIM-MEC03 Use of milling machine for iron machining (additional price to the machining of soft materials)(hourly price) 2,10 1,80 1,50 1,50
QUIM-MEC04 Use lathe for machining stainless steel (additional price to the machining of soft materials)(hourly price) 1,00 0,82 0,68 0,68
QUIM-MEC05 Use lathe for machining soft materials (hourly price) 57,60 48,00 20,75 20,75
QUIM-MEC06 Use lathe for iron machining (additional price to the machining of soft materials)(hourly price) 0,50 0,41 0,34 0,34
QUIM-MEC07 Use electric welder (hourly price) 60,00 50,00 22,00 22,00
QUIM-MEC08 Use TIG welder for stainless steel (hourly price) 55,00 46,00 N/A 20,00
QUIM-MEC09 Band saw use (hourly price) 56,16 46,80 N/A 17,79
QUIM-MEC10 Use column drill (hourly price) 56,16 46,80 N/A 17,79
QUIM-MEC11 Use of hand machines (hourly price) 60,27 50,22 N/A 14,44
QUIM-MEC12 Use hand tools (hourly price) 47,95 39,96 11,76 11,76
QUIM-MEC13 Acquisition of materials 1,44 1,20 1,00 1,00
QUIM-MEC14 Design and foresight (price per hour) 88,49 73,74 34,57 34,57
QUIM-MEC15 Workshop technician time (machining) (price per hour) 59,67 53,07 25,18 25,18
QUIM-MEC16 Use of CNC lathe for machining stainless steel (additional price to the machining of soft materials)(hourly price) 1,00 0,82 0,68 0,68
QUIM-MEC17 Use of CNC lathe for machining soft materials (hourly price) 72,00 60,00 N/A 24,00
QUIM-MEC18 Use of CNC lathe for iron machining (additional price to the machining of soft materials)(hourly price) 2,10 1,80 N/A 1,50
QUIM-MEC19 Use 3D printer (staff not included) (hourly price) 53,00 44,00 N/A 4,00


Code Benefit Unit price (€)
MTN-TEC Personnel Area of Microscopy and Nanometric Techniques EXT R+D+I URVC URV
MTN-TEC01 Higher grade technical hour 84,23 70,19 N/A 29,25
MTN-TEC02 Intermediate technical hour 60,64 50,53 N/A 21,05
MTN-MAI Microscoscopy Instrumental Analysis EXT R+D+I URVC URV
MTN-MAI03 Quanta 600 (High vacuum mode) (per hour) 78,00 65,00 22,80 31,80
MTN-MAI05 Quanta 600 (ESEM and low vacuum mode) (per hour). Additional price for the use of the Quanta 600 in high vacuum mode  2,00 1,50 1,20 1,20
MTN-MAI07 TEM (per hour) 81,74 68,12 22,82 30,00
MTN-MAI09 AFM/STM (per hour) 180,00 150,00 10,00 35,00
MTN-MAI13 Inverted fluorescence microscope (per hour) (for internal customers, self-service) 54,00 45,00 7,00 15,00
MTN-MAI15 Use of Peltier stage from-20ºC to 50ºC (additional price to the use of Quanta 600 per hour) 35,37 29,48 6,68 6,68
MTN-MAI16 Use of hot stage up to a 400ºC (additional price to the use of Quanta 600 per hour) 67,91 56,60 54,62 54,62
MTN-MAI17 Use of hot stage up to a 1500ºC (additional price to the use of Quanta 600 per hour) 77,83 64,85 62,66 62,66
MTN-MAI18 Use of STEM detector (additional price to the use of Quanta 600 per hour) 35,37 29,48 6,74 6,74
MTN-MAI19 Confocal RAMAN FT-IR (per hour and 1 laser) 58,01 48,34 15,00 23,00
MTN-MAI20 Confocal RAMAN FT-IR (per hour, addicional price for 2 lasers) 4,00 3,25 2,70 2,70
MTN-MAI21 Optic microscopy with CCD (self-service) 8,40 7,00 3,67 5,74
MTN-MAI23 AFM, mechanical measurements (Yang modulus, nano-indentation, force measurements) (per hour) 214,00 178,33 17,35 43,71
MTN-MAI36 FESEM SCIOS (per hour) 187,00 151,00 76,00 96,51
MTN-MAI37 FESEM-FIB SCIOS (per hour). Additional price for instrumental analysis FESEM SCIOS 18,50 15,50 13,00 13,00
MTN-MAI38 Image processing FESEM SCIOS (per hour) 18,00 15,00 7,78 10,00
MTN-MAI39 FETEM JEOL F200 (per hour) 132,51 110,43 52,70 52,70
MTN-MPM Sample preparation for microscopy EXT R+D+I URVC URV
MTN-MPM01 Fixation (per sample) 6,36 5,30 N/A 4,42
MTN-MPM02 Glutaraldehyde treatment (per sample) 2,28 1,90 N/A 1,59
MTN-MPM03 Osmium treatment (per sample) 5,75 4,80 N/A 4,00
MTN-MPM04 Spurrs embedding (1-3 samples) 18,69 15,57 N/A 12,98
MTN-MPM05 Spurrs embedding (4-8 samples) 23,43 19,53 N/A 16,27
MTN-MPM06 Spurrs embedding (7-9 samples) 26,21 21,84 N/A 18,20
MTN-MPM07 Semi-thin (per sample) 6,73 5,61 N/A 4,68
MTN-MPM08 Ultra-thin (per block) 49,20 41,00 N/A 34,17
MTN-MPM09 Contrasted (per process) 11,42 9,52 N/A 7,93
MTN-MPM12 Dehydration (1-3 samples) 11,12 9,27 N/A 7,73
MTN-MPM13 Dehydration (4-6 samples) 13,73 11,45 N/A 9,54
MTN-MPM14 Dehydration (7-9 samples) 16,79 13,99 N/A 11,66
MTN-MPM15 Critical point (per process) 8,94 7,45 N/A 6,21
MTN-MPM16 Al/araldite stub mounting (per process) 4,63 3,86 N/A 3,21
MTN-MPM19 Carbon conductive tabs 12mm diameter 0,96 0,80 N/A 0,67
MTN-MPM20 Metal coating (per cycle) (per every 20 nm) (Au, Al, Cr, consult for other metals) 27,45 22,88 N/A 19,07
MTN-MPM21 Evaporation (per process) 9,15 7,63 N/A 6,36
MTN-MPM36 Image processing (per hour) 16,93 14,11 N/A 8,30
MTN-MPM41 Consumables repercussion 1,44 1,20 N/A 1,00
MTN-MPM51 Consumable for Pt deposition with FESEM-FIB (per hour) 41,71 34,76 N/A 28,96
MTN-MPM52 Consumable for C deposition with FESEM-FIB (per hour) 7,94 6,61 N/A 5,51
MTN-MPM53 Consumable for SiO2 deposition with FESEM-FIB (per hour) 10,43 8,69 N/A 7,24
MTN-MPM54 Enhanced carbon milling on FESEM-FIB 1,93 1,61 N/A 1,34
MTN-MPM65 Cryo-cut 11,95 9,96 N/A 8,30
MTN-MSB01 CO2 laser use (per hour) 14,16 11,79 6,91 7,78
MTN-MSB02 Muffle-furnace with vacuum system use (per hour) 9,90 8,25 4,02 4,02
MTN-MSB03 Clean room use (per hour) 119,00 98,00 29,00 29,00
MTN-MSB05 Nanolithography DWL66FS use (per hour, self-service) 105,00 88,00 29,50 29,50
MTN-MSB07 Sputtering use (targets are not included) 106,00 88,33 42,50 42,50
MTN-MSB09 Spin coater use (per hour, resins and personnel are not included) 7,07 5,90 4,01 4,01
MTN-MSB10 Consumable for Au deposition (100 nm) 198,90 165,75 77,79 77,79
MTN-MSB11 Consumable for Ti deposition (100 nm) 66,30 55,25 3,24 3,24
MTN-MSB12 Consumable for Pt deposition (100 nm) 248,63 198,90 103,72 103,72
MTN-MSB13 Consumable for ICP (SF6, CHF3) (flow of 50 sccm) (per minute) 2,28 1,90 N/A 1,58
MTN-MSB14 ICP (C4F8) (flow of 50 sccm) (per minute) 2,12 1,77 1,72 1,72
MTN-MSB15 Consumables repercussion (photo-resins, wafers, masks, LN2, etc.) 1,44 1,20 1,00 1,00
MTN-MSB20 Use of RIE per hour (small financial backer) 109,58 91,32 26,76 34,53
MTN-MSB21 Use of RIE per hour (big financial backer) 109,58 91,32 9,08 34,53
MTN-MSB22 Use of mask aligner (per sample) 3,43 2,85 1,85 1,85
MTN-MSB23 Use of Z-sizer (per hour) 181,56 151,30 47,07 66,11