Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Scanning confocal microscopy (equipment out of service, contact those responsible)

The Nikon TE 2000E confocal scanning laser microscope is an inverted optical microscope able to provide three-dimensional images of an object by gathering its fluorescence signal. It allows to eliminate the fluorescent signal coming from the sample that is out of focus, which is achieved in a non-destructive way, and thus provides optical sections from different planes of the sample. These sections can be used to make a three-dimensional analysis or to observe an internal part of the sample. 

Confocal microscopy significantly increases the optical resolution and image contrast. These advantages make it an essential tool when it comes to obtain high-resolution images and when colocalization studies are carried out. 

The optical sections obtained by confocal microscopy contain the information to be able to make a three-dimensional analysis: volumetric quantification, fluorescence distribution, colocalization analysis, etc. 


The microscope is equipped with three excitation lasers (488nm, 543nm and 633 nm,) and four simultaneous detection channels (three fluorescence channels and one for transmitted light). 

The HBO100 mercury lamp is used as a light source to visualize fluorescent samples; and the transmitted light for bright field and for differential interference contrast (DIC) 

To view the sample, this system is equipped with the following filters: 

The objectives available in this microscope are:




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