Universitat Rovira i Virgili

HRTEM – Transmission Electron Microscope of atomic resolution

The JEOL F200 is a transmission electron microscope that allows a great amount of applications. Thanks to its cutting-edge technology in the field of electron microscopy, the F200 is an ideal microscope for the characterization of samples from materials science as well as life sciences.

Its condenser system of 4 lenses provides a lot of flexibility to the illumination conditions; an independent control of the electron beam size, probe current and its convergence angle, optimizing the usage time for the equipment. This configuration also allows measurements at very low electron doses (e-/Å2s) for those samples sensitive to the electron beam.

Apart from the usual TEM mode, the F200 includes STEM detectors to acquire images while scanning the electron beam across the region-of-interest, reaching resolutions down to 1.4 Å. This detector configuration provides the technician/user the possibility to acquire images in bright field (BF), dark field (DF), annular bright field (ABF), annular dark field (ADF), high-angle annular dark field (HAADF) and from backscattered electrons, a range of image contrasts suitable for the observation of both light and heavy elements.

This microscope incorporates a high energy resolution EDX detector to perform elemental experiments at the nanometric as well as atomic level. Furthermore, its design enables the acquisition of tomographies with holders of high angular tilt (±80°) and make three-dimensional reconstructions of the elements present in the sample, enabling the reconstruction of any type of particle to evaluate its morphology down to the atomic resolution.

The FETEM is complemented with a CMOS-based Gatan OneView camera of 4096 by 4096 pixels to capture images and diffraction patterns. Its high quality allows the acquisition of atomic resolution images, and diffraction patterns with reflection intensities suitable for crystal structure determinations. The high recording speed (up to 320 fps) enables the possibility of in-situ experiments, capturing in real-time the evolution of the sample under different external stimuli (DENS holders are available for heating, biasing and liquid experiments). The OneView can be also used as a pixelated detector for the acquisition of 4D-STEM data (maps where each pixel corresponds to a diffraction pattern), which can result in maps that show the different crystallographic phases and/or orientations, mechanical strain, differential phase contrast (DPC) or even electric and magnetic fields.

Electron source

Cold field emission gun

Energy resolution (eV)

< 0.3

Brightness (A/cm2)

≥ 8 x 108

Operational voltages (kV)

80 & 200

TEM at 200kV

Resolution point-to-point (nm)

Magnification range

0.23 nm

20 up to 2M

STEM at 200kV

DF resolution point-to-point (nm)

Backscattered resolution between lines (nm)

Magnification range

0.14 nm

1.0 nm

100 up to 150M

Condenser apertures (Ø µm)

200, 100, 40 & 10

Objective apertures (Ø µm)

60, 40, 30 & 5

Selected-area apertures (Ø µm)

100, 50, 20 & 10

STEM signals

DF, BF, ADF, ABF, HAADF, DPC & Backscattered

EDX Centurio detector (Silicon drift)

Effective area (mm2)

Energy resolution (eV)

Total solid angle (sr)


133 (line Kα del Mn)


Gatan OneView camera

CMOS sensor

Pixel size

Read-out speed

Dynamic range

4096 x 4096 pixels

15 µm

25 fps (4k) up to 320 fps (512x512)


Available holders

Standard (±35°)

Beryllium double-tilt (±35°, ±30°)

Tomography (±80°)

DENS in-situ heat & bias (±20°, ±25°)

DENS in-situ liquid (±15°)

Sample cleaning device

Ion cleaner EC-52000IC



The versatility and flexibility of the F200 TEM allows a large list of applications where the microscope can be of great utility:

  • This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union within the framework of the Operational Program FEDER of Catalonia 2014-2020, with an eligible expense of 1.299.000€


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