- SRCiT Services
- Advice
- Design and machining of prototypes or manufacture of micro and nanocomponents
- Study of the morphology and physico-chemical distribution (including crystalline composition) in materials at the micro and nanometer scale
- Chemical analysis (qualitative and / or quantitative) of organic compounds (liquid / gas)
- Chemical analysis (qualitative and / or quantitative) of organic compounds (liquid / gas)
- Chemical analysis (qualitative and / or quantitative) of inorganic / organic compounds (solid)
- Determination of crystalline composition in materials
- Radiological protection technical unit for second and third category radioactive installations and medical X-ray installations
- Other services
The CATSUD-URV nanotechnology platform is an innovative project that aims to provide the scientific community and professionals with advanced infrastructures for work and analysis at the nanometer or lower scale.
The Platform uses two high-resolution electron microscopy equipment that are integrated into the Microscopy and Nanometric Techniques Area.
The two technologies that make up the CATSUD-URV Nanotechnology Platform are:
Our staff has the necessary qualifications and experience to focus and respond to all challenges in this area.
- This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union within the framework of the Operational Program FEDER of Catalonia 2014-2020 and the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017-2020, with an eligible expense of 2.125.000€