Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Register on the User Portal

To register and access the User Portal, you must follow the procedure below.

  1. Contact the technical staff responsible for the services you wish to use and request to be a user of SRCiT. You can find the full list of contacts here.

  2. If you are an URV employee, tell the technician your e-mail address, the name of your person in charge and the line manager, as well as the preferred language in your relationship with the SRCiT.

  3. Once this procedure has been completed, the technical staff will send you an e-mail with the credentials and the link that will allow you to start the registration process.

  4. As an internal URV user, confirm your email on the platform. You will be provided with a temporary code to complete the registration.

  5. Fill out the form with your details, those of the responsible researcher and cost line manager.

  6. The SRCiT technician will access the data you entered and validate the registration. Your listing will include usage details for the service.

  7. You will receive the final user code and password to access and operate the management application. At the same time, the cost line manager and the person in charge of the investigation will also receive instructions to authorize the user's access to the service.

  • If you have any questions or concerns during the process, please contact the responsible technician.